Visitor Information
The Larson Institute’s administrative headquarters are located in the Transportation Research Building on the University Park Campus of Penn State, with additional facilities and office space at other locations. For directions to the main office or other locations, click on the links below.
The Larson Institute's administrative hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Larson Institute Main Offices – 201 Transportation Research Building, University Park, PA [directions] (Includes NECEPT and Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies) rdb28@psu.edu
Larson Institute Test Track – 164 Test Track Road, Bellefonte, PA [directions] 814-863-9664
Altoona Bus Research and Testing Center - 2237 Plank Road, Duncansville, PA [directions] 814-695-3404
Parking at the Institute
Visitors to the Larson Institute’s headquarters in Transportation Research Building or adjacent Research Buildings B or C may park in the main lot. Visitors need to obtain a visitor’s parking permit available in 201 Transportation Research Building. For more information about our location, use the interactive campus map.
Visitors to other Larson Institute locations may park at those locations and should coordinate their visits with the respective faculty or staff. No parking permits are required at those locations.