Journal Articles
- Agnimitra Sengupta, Hoda Azari, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Parisa Shokouhi, 2024, "Validating a physics-based automatic classification scheme for impact echo signals on data using a concrete slab with known defects.", Transportation Research Record, 2678, (2)
- Helia Mavi, Andisheh Ranjbari, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "What does it take for rural-urban commuters to switch from driving to carpooling?", Transportation Research Part F, 107
- Muyang Lu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2024, "Macroscopic analysis of the impacts of shared bikes on traffic safety.", Transportation Research Part F, 2678, (7)
- Abhishek Prajapati, Agnimitra Sengupta and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2024, "Accounting for traffic dynamics in pavement maintenance scheduling.", Transportation Research Record, 2678, (1)
- Ferdousy Runa, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Do existing split failure metrics accurately reflect pedestrian operation at signalized intersections?", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 13
- Muyang Lu, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Multi-objective optimization of maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction decision making considering safety", Transportation Research Record, 2678
- Agnimitra Sengupta, S Mondal, Adway Das and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2024, "A Bayesian approach to quantifying uncertainties and improving generalizability in traffic prediction models", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 162
- Agnimitra Sengupta, Sukran Ilgin Guler, Vikash Varun Gayah and Shannon Warchol, 2024, "Evaluating the reliability of automatically generated pedestrian and bicycle crash surrogates.", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 203
- John Bullough, Adway Das, N Skinner, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Mark Rea, 2024, "Consistency in subjective judgements of service vehicle type based upon vehicle and flashing light colors.", Transportation Research Record
- Agnimitra Sengupta, Hoda Azari, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Parisa Shokouhi, 2023, "Validating a physics-based automatic classification scheme for impact echo signals on data using a concrete slab with known defects", Transportation Research Record
- Xuting Wang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2023, "Integration of Pavement Roughness into Safety Performance Functions of Two-Lane Rural Roads in Pennsylvania", Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements
- Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Decentralized arterial traffic signal optimization with connected vehicle information", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 27, (2), pp. 145—160
- Muyang Lu, Sukran Ilgin Guler, Elizabeth Traut and Xianbiao Hu, 2023, "Analysis of spatial interactions among shared e-scooters, shared bikes and public transit", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Agnimitra Sengupta, Sudeepta Mondal, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "A hybrid Hidden Markov Model and time-frequency approach to impact echo signal classification", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 41, (4)
- Muyang Lu and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2022, "Random survival forest model for bridge deck deterioration", Transportation Research Record
- Muyang Lu, Jonathan Hydock, Aleksandra Radlinska and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2022, "Reliability analysis of a bridge deck utilizing generalized gamma distribution", Journal of Bridge Engineering, 27, (4), pp. 04022006
- Renato Guadamuz, Hao Tang, Zhengyao Yu, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "Green time usage metrics on signalized intersections and arterials using high-resolution traffic data", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 11, (3), pp. 509-521
- Murat Bayrak, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Paul Schonfeld, 2021, "Implementation sequence optimization of dedicated bus lane projects", Transportation Research Record
- Agnimitra Sengupta, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Parisa Shokouhi, 2021, "Interpreting impact echo data to predict condition rating of concrete bridge decks: A machine learning appraoch", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 26, (8), pp. 04021044
- Murat Bayrak and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2021, "Optimum deployment of dedicated bus lanes on a network accounting for traffic dynamics", Public Transport, 1, pp. 1—23
- Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Traffic signal control optimization in a connected vehicle environment considering pedestrians", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (10), pp. 499—511
- Murat Bayrak and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2020, "Determining optimum transit signal priority implementation locations on a network.", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (10), pp. 387—400
- Kristin Kersavage, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Martin T Pietrucha, 2020, "Analysis of colored variable message signs for visibility and comprehensibility", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (1), pp. 125—134
- Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "A heuristic method to optimize generic signal phasing and timing plans at signalized intersections using connected vehicle technology", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 111, pp. 156-170
- Kan Wu, Muyang Lu and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2020, "Modeling and optimizing bus transit priority along arterials: a moving bottleneck approach", Transportation Research Part C, 121, pp. 102873
- Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "An equitable signal control scheme at signalized intersections using connected vehicle technology", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 110, pp. 81—97
- Haitao He, Kaidi Yang, Hong Liang, Monica Menendez and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2019, "Providing public transport priority in the perimeter of urban networks: a bimodal strategy", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 107, pp. 171—192
- Kan Wu and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2019, "Estimating the impacts of transit signal priority on intersection operations: a moving bottleneck approach", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, pp. 346—358
- Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "Joint optimization of signal phasing and timing and vehicle speed guidance in a connected and autonomous vehicle environment", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673, (4), pp. 70—83
- Kaidi Yang, Monica Menendez and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2019, "Implementing transit signal priority in a connected vehicle environment with and without bus stops", Transportmetrica Part B: Transport Dynamics, 7, pp. 423—445
- Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "Signal timing optimization with connected vehicle technology: platooning to improve computational efficiency", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672, (18), pp. 81—92
- Amir Manafpour, Sukran Ilgin Guler, Gordon P Warn, Farshad Rajabipour and Aleksandra Radlinska, 2018, "Stochastic analysis and time-based modeling of concrete bridge deck deterioration", Journal of Bridge Engineering, 23, (9), pp. 04018066, 1—9
- Kan Wu and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2018, "Optimizing transit signal priority implementation along an arterial", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672, (20), pp. 215—227
- Lingyu Li, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Eric T Donnell, 2017, "Pavement friction degradation based on Pennsylvania field test data", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2639, pp. 11-19
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2017, "Methodology for estimating capacity at unsignalized multimodal intersections", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 5, (4), pp. 257-267
- Julie Stempfel, Sukran Ilgin Guler, Monica Menendez and Wernher Brucks, 2016, "Effects of traffic conditions on safety of networks", Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 8, (3), pp. 214-229
- Vikash Varun Gayah, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Weihua Gu, 2016, "On the Impact of Obstructions on the Capacity of Nearby Signalized Intersections", Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 4, (1), pp. 48-67
- Haitao He, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2016, "Adaptive control algorithm to provide bus priority with a pre-signal", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 64, pp. 28-44
- Sukran Ilgin Guler, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2016, "Bus priority at signalized intersections with single-lane approaches: A novel pre-signal strategy", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 63, pp. 51-70
- Kaidi Yang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2016, "Isolated intersection control for various levels of vehicle technology: conventional, connected and automated vehicles", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 72, pp. 109-129
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Offer Grembek, 2016, "Use of different exposure metrics for understanding multi-modal travel injury risk", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 5, (1), pp. 28-37
- Jean Torben Girault, Vikash Varun Gayah, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2016, "An exploratory analysis of signal coordination impacts on the macroscopic fundamental diagram", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2560, pp. 36—46
- Kathrin Arnet, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2015, "Effects of multimodal operations on urban roadways", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2533, pp. 1-7
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2015, "Pre-signals for bus priority: basic guidelines for implementation", Public Transport, 7, (3), pp. 339-354
- Vikash Varun Gayah, Vinayak Dixit and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2014, "Relationship between mean and day-to-day variation in travel time in urban networks", EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 3, (3-4), pp. 227-243
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2014, "Analytical formulation and empirical evaluation of pre-signals", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 64, pp. 41-53
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2014, "Evaluation of pre-signals at over saturated signalized intersections", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2418), pp. 11-19
- Sukran Ilgin Guler, Monica Menendez and Linus Meier, 2014, "Using connected vehicle technology to improve efficiency of intersections", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 46, (C), pp. 121-131
- Darren Reger, Eleni Christofa, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Samer Madanat, 2013, "Estimation of pavement crack initiation models by combining experimental and field data", Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 19, (4), pp. 434-441
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Michael J. Cassidy, 2012, "Strategies for sharing bottleneck capacity among buses and cars", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 46, (10), pp. 1334 - 1345
- Sukran Ilgin Guler and Samer Madanat, 2011, "On the axle load power for pavement fatigue cracking: empirical estimation and policy implications", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2225), pp. 21-24
- Yuqi Shi, Sukran Ilgin Guler, J Zhu and X Yang, , "Increasing signalized intersection capacity with flexible lane design", Transportation Research Part C
- Asif Mahmud, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, , "Modeling economic impacts of transportation infrastructure in Pennsylvania considering spatial dependency across counties", International Journal of Technology and Science
- Abhishek Prajapati and Sukran Ilgin Guler, , "A generative approach to generalize deep learning models for pavement distress segmentation", Data Science for Transportation
- Agnimitra Sengupta and Sukran Ilgin Guler, , "Deep learning-based spatial translation of traffic prediction using Newell’s theory", Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems